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Modern Building
Assignment 1


Anchor 4


Choosing 6 photos of an interior environment, picking out certain locations inside it, then connecting those locations with lines to create patterns.
Next, using the patterns found in Part 1 as a guide, we had to create two prototype models for the following section. We were then required to develop a final model based on the two mockup models. All of the models had to fit on an A5 board that was only 15 cm tall.

I choose this pattern to build my mock-up model 1

Anchor 1


Anchor 2


  For the first assignment, I was so confused about everything and didn't even know how to begin. After the first tutorial class, I started to gain some ideas and start working with some bamboo sticks and glue tack. After creating different form of structures, I found out this assignment was quite interesting and playful.


On the second tutorial class, sir introduced volume, void and plane to us. He wanted us to explore different materials, so I tried to use butter paper, envelope paper and cardboard. Second mock up model was too messy due to the placements of different materials, so I decided to make a big change to my final model. Overall, it was quite fun and a cool experience for a good foundation of spatial design.


In this assignment, TGCs that I have achieved are:

Anchor 3
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