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Modern Building
Hand Shadow
Assignment 3


Anchor 4


Reinterpret the structure's form and guiding concepts from Project 2.

Then design a narrative to take the audience through two to three sensory spaces.


To use only 2-3 materials.


Lastly, we were required to create four A1-sized presentation boards with orthographic drawings, exploded axonometrics, joinery details, abstract drawings, and four tattoo stamps.

Anchor 1
Anchor 2


Final PDF

  • With the idea and narrative I have, I derived it to make my mock-up model

  • After several discussion and advices with my tutor, I further develop my idea to make my final model.

These photos were took on the presentation day after I couldn't get enough sleep of a whole week

Anchor 3


This is the most challenging one out of so many assignments for me, I did explorations of shadows, ergonomics, and anthropometrics, and at the same time studying the scale is also challenging for me. For the presentation board, I think it's easier compared to making models for me. It is very time-consuming to make one axonometric drawing for accuracy, I spend one whole day just for one drawing. Overall, It opened up a whole new dimension of making a space for people because knowledges of ergonomics, anthropometrics and sensory took place.

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